National Provider Identification Number Guidance

The National Provider Identifier (NPI) is a Federally-issued10-digit unique standard identification number that all Health Care Providers must use when submitting electronic claims effective May 23, 2008.

Electronic claims submitted without an NPI will be rejected back to the provider via their EDI clearinghouse. Network Providers who submit claims via paper CMS 1500 or UB-04 are also required to include their NPI on their claims. At this time,  AmeriHealth Caritas Pennsylvania strongly encourages Network Providers to continue to submit claims with their AmeriHealth Caritas provider ID, in addition to the required NPI number.

How to Apply for Your NPI

Health Care Providers may apply for their NPI in one of the following ways:

  • Complete the web-based application at This process takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.
  • Call the Enumerator call center at 1-800-465-3203 or TTY 1-800-692-2326 to request a paper application.
  • Email to request a paper application.
  • Request a paper application by mail:
    NPI Enumerator
    P.O. Box 6059
    Fargo, ND 58108-6059
Note: The most time-efficient method of getting an NPI is the web-based application process.

Reporting your NPI(s)

  1. Network Providers must report their practice and individual NPIs to us in order to record them in the claims processing system. Once the practice and individuals in the practice have obtained an NPI, the following four steps to report NPIs to AmeriHealth Caritas should be completed. Use the submission form to report practice and individual NPIs. The submission form includes information specific to a practice, as well as a listing of individual participating practitioners at the office location. The submission form can be found in the Provider Center at For a printed copy, please call 1-800-521-6007.
  2. Report the corresponding Primary Provider Taxonomy Code for the practice and each individual participating practitioner at the office location as reported on the NPI
    application(s). The Provider Taxonomy code, a 10-character alphanumeric identifier, indicates provider specialty and will assist AmeriHealth Caritas in verifying NPIs for Claims processing. Information on Provider taxonomy codes is available at
  3. Attach copies of NPI confirmation, issued to the practice and each individual participating practitioner at the office location, by the National Provider Identifier Enumerator. AmeriHealth Caritas will use the NPI confirmation for verification purposes.
  4. Return the completed submission form, along with practice and individual NPI confirmations via fax to 1-866-426-7671 or by mail:
    Attention: NPI - 500
    AmeriHealth Caritas Pennsylvania
    200 Stevens Drive
    Philadelphia, PA 19113

You may also submit your NPI electronically to AmeriHealth Caritas. Visit the Provider Center at and click on the NPI on-line submission tool.

Additionally, Providers participating with AmeriHealth Caritas must participate in the Pennsylvania Medical Assistance Program. The Department of Public Welfare (DPW) also requires that Providers obtain an NPI and share it with them. Further information on DPW's requirements can be found at

Updated May 23, 2008