Pregnancy - Bright Start®

Bright Start is a special program for our pregnant members.
When you join Bright Start, a care manager will call you and work with you to help you receive and use program services. If your pregnancy is high-risk, a team of nurses and care connectors will check in with you often to help you stay connected to care during your pregnancy. Call 1-877-364-6797 or visit the member portal today to join.
What can the Bright Start program do for me?
- Get help signing up for childbirth and other health information classes.
- Get help choosing a doctor who is right for you.
- Get information on prenatal vitamins and eating right during your pregnancy.
- Work with your doctor and dentist to help make sure you get the care you need. Having healthy teeth and gums is very important during pregnancy.
- Give you information and resources to help you have a safe pregnancy and a healthy baby.
Join Bright Start today.
To join Bright Start, please call 1-877-364-6797.
Or, you can log in to the member portal and go to Enroll in a Special Program.
If you are a part of but no longer want to be in Bright Start, call 1-877-364-6797. Leaving the program will not change your benefits. It will also not change the way AmeriHealth Caritas Pennsylvania or the Department of Human Services (DHS) treats you.
Keys to Your Care®
Keys to Your Care is a texting program for AmeriHealth Caritas Pennsylvania members who are pregnant, brought to you by Bright Start, our maternity program.
Text BABY to 85886 to join the Keys to Your Care program.
Don’t have access to texting? Call 1-877-364-6797 (TTY 711) to join Keys to Your Care.
Join today.
We will send you helpful text messages during your pregnancy. You can even earn:*
- Gift card for joining.
- Gift cards for attending prenatal and postpartum appointments.
*Program rewards are subject to change and require annual approval by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services. Members may not be eligible to earn all of the rewards listed.